Mark Ellis
2007-12-11 10:01:38 UTC
Hi Mark,
i was wondering whether you managed to find some time to look at the rapi
version1 stuff. I was looking at some old webpages from synce, regarding the
Had a bit of a tinker, but not much yet. I quickly tried again to usei was wondering whether you managed to find some time to look at the rapi
version1 stuff. I was looking at some old webpages from synce, regarding the
your new code with the rapi1 rapi_context_call, but no luck.
There I do see exactly the same stuff that I discovered myself while working
on the rapi2 stuff. What strikes me as odd in registry.c for example is lines
rapi_buffer_write_uint32 (context->send_buffer, hKey);
rapi_buffer_write_optional (context->send_buffer, lpClass, lpcbClass ?
*lpcbClass * sizeof(WCHAR) : 0, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbClass, true);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpReserved, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcSubKeys, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxClassLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcValues, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxValueLen,
lpcbSecurityDescriptor, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional (context->send_buffer, lpftLastWriteTime,
sizeof(FILETIME), false);
This means for example that when you are querying for all information of a
given regkey, you not only send the size of the buffer on the computer side
to hold the class name, but you also send the complete buffer over the wire.
This really looks dumb to me for a protocol, since the device does not need
to know about the buffer I have, except for how much info at max at may send
to me :)
Besides that, pretty much all of the other lines in the above code, deal with
info we should get from the device, so the amount of subkeys, the amount of
values, etc. Therefore, it is also not logical to send that over the line.
What you're saying makes perfect sense to me. Unfortunately we have noon the rapi2 stuff. What strikes me as odd in registry.c for example is lines
rapi_buffer_write_uint32 (context->send_buffer, hKey);
rapi_buffer_write_optional (context->send_buffer, lpClass, lpcbClass ?
*lpcbClass * sizeof(WCHAR) : 0, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbClass, true);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpReserved, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcSubKeys, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxClassLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcValues, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
rapi_buffer_write_optional_uint32(context->send_buffer, lpcbMaxValueLen,
lpcbSecurityDescriptor, false);
rapi_buffer_write_optional (context->send_buffer, lpftLastWriteTime,
sizeof(FILETIME), false);
This means for example that when you are querying for all information of a
given regkey, you not only send the size of the buffer on the computer side
to hold the class name, but you also send the complete buffer over the wire.
This really looks dumb to me for a protocol, since the device does not need
to know about the buffer I have, except for how much info at max at may send
to me :)
Besides that, pretty much all of the other lines in the above code, deal with
info we should get from the device, so the amount of subkeys, the amount of
values, etc. Therefore, it is also not logical to send that over the line.
way of knowing if the guy who thought this up had any sense at all :)
So far, from what I have seen on that website, which really does with rapi1
calls, since the command code for CeGetSpecialFolderPath is only 0x44 in the
rapi1, not in the rapi2, the stuff that needs to be sent over the line is
actually the same. So did you already try to put the exact code, except for
the command part in the registry.c ?
Really would like to get to the point that the registry tool can be updated
also. If that works we can look at some of the other functions that are not
implemented yet.
Me too. I'm going to, hopefully today, go through all the rapi1 registrycalls, since the command code for CeGetSpecialFolderPath is only 0x44 in the
rapi1, not in the rapi2, the stuff that needs to be sent over the line is
actually the same. So did you already try to put the exact code, except for
the command part in the registry.c ?
Really would like to get to the point that the registry tool can be updated
also. If that works we can look at some of the other functions that are not
implemented yet.
calls and see exactly what works.