[Synce-devel] Now problems with python-plugin
2007-07-16 11:59:34 UTC
Hello there,

I finally found some time to go on with installing synce. I can already copy files onto my pda via pcp, so general connection works.

Now I want to include synce support on my kubuntu feisty, but I fail on making a symbolic link for synce.py in the python-plugins directory. The reason is that on my whole system, I didn´t found any dir called "python-plugins".

I installed a package called "python-opensync" which I got from the repository "http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-svn" (as I found this somewhere on the synce-wiki). When I look at the section "installed files" of this package, it tells me two general paths: "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/python2.5" and "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync". I made the symbolic link in both dirs (and in "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/", "/usr/lib/python-support/", "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync", "/usr/share/python-support/" and "/usr/lib"), but "msynctool --listplugins" still finds no plugins.

I now found a source package "libopensync-plugin-python-0.22.tar.bz2", but before I compile this version, I would like to know if I´m going to run into problems, because the package manager tells me that the version of libopensync and python-opensync are both 0.31+svn20070715.

Can you please clear the fog that I still see?

Dennis Neumeier
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2007-07-17 12:59:25 UTC
Is there really no one who can tell me what´s going wrong here? I am also willing to create a short howto for other (K)Ubuntu Feisty Users wanting to use Synce, but first of all I need info about the software I am using and the one I need.

Also, I updated my pda to windows 2006 yesterday and pls/pcp are working fine, so this would surely be a useful feedback if I get this running.

Dennis Neumeier

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:59:34 +0200
Von: ***@gmx.net
An: synce-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: Now problems with python-plugin

Hello there,

I finally found some time to go on with installing synce. I can already copy files onto my pda via pcp, so general connection works.

Now I want to include synce support on my kubuntu feisty, but I fail on making a symbolic link for synce.py in the python-plugins directory. The reason is that on my whole system, I didn´t found any dir called "python-plugins".

I installed a package called "python-opensync" which I got from the repository "http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-svn" (as I found this somewhere on the synce-wiki). When I look at the section "installed files" of this package, it tells me two general paths: "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/python2.5" and "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync". I made the symbolic link in both dirs (and in "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/", "/usr/lib/python-support/", "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync", "/usr/share/python-support/" and "/usr/lib"), but "msynctool --listplugins" still finds no plugins.

I now found a source package "libopensync-plugin-python-0.22.tar.bz2", but before I compile this version, I would like to know if I´m going to run into problems, because the package manager tells me that the version of libopensync and python-opensync are both 0.31+svn20070715.

Can you please clear the fog that I still see?

Dennis Neumeier
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2007-07-17 16:02:14 UTC
Hi Dennis,

I have your email still marked as a 'todo' in my inbox, so you are not
being ignored :) As soon as I get a chance to look at it I will.

Richard Alimi
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
Is there really no one who can tell me whatÂŽs going wrong here? I am also willing to create a short howto for other (K)Ubuntu Feisty Users wanting to use Synce, but first of all I need info about the software I am using and the one I need.
Also, I updated my pda to windows 2006 yesterday and pls/pcp are working fine, so this would surely be a useful feedback if I get this running.
Dennis Neumeier
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:59:34 +0200
Betreff: Now problems with python-plugin
Hello there,
I finally found some time to go on with installing synce. I can already copy files onto my pda via pcp, so general connection works.
Now I want to include synce support on my kubuntu feisty, but I fail on making a symbolic link for synce.py in the python-plugins directory. The reason is that on my whole system, I didnÂŽt found any dir called "python-plugins".
I installed a package called "python-opensync" which I got from the repository "http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-svn" (as I found this somewhere on the synce-wiki). When I look at the section "installed files" of this package, it tells me two general paths: "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/python2.5" and "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync". I made the symbolic link in both dirs (and in "/usr/lib/python-support/python-opensync/", "/usr/lib/python-support/", "/usr/share/python-support/python-opensync", "/usr/share/python-support/" and "/usr/lib"), but "msynctool --listplugins" still finds no plugins.
I now found a source package "libopensync-plugin-python-0.22.tar.bz2", but before I compile this version, I would like to know if IÂŽm going to run into problems, because the package manager tells me that the version of libopensync and python-opensync are both 0.31+svn20070715.
Can you please clear the fog that I still see?
Dennis Neumeier
Ist Ihr Browser Vista-kompatibel? Jetzt die neuesten
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SynCE-Devel mailing list
Richard Alimi
2007-07-23 11:27:24 UTC
Post by D***@gmx.net
I now found a source package "libopensync-plugin-python-0.22.tar.bz2", but
before I compile this version, I would like to know if IŽm going to run
into problems, because the package manager tells me that the version of
libopensync and python-opensync are both 0.31+svn20070715.
Can you please clear the fog that I still see?
Dennis Neumeier
Hi Dennis,

You should find the package version that corresponds to the version of
opensync you already have installed. It looks like (k)ubuntu feisty comes
with 0.19, which is not sufficient. Either you'll have to find ubuntu
packages for either version 0.21 or 0.22 of opensync, or install from the
tarballs provided at http://www.opensync.org/wiki/download.

It looks like they are in the process of making packages for 0.30 and 0.31, so
perhaps that is why you are currently running into problems. Also, I have
not yet tried SynCE with opensynce 0.30 or 0.31, so I don't know off the top
of my head what has changed (or if anything has been broken).
Richard Alimi
Department of Computer Science
Yale University