No module named opensync
Iain Buchanan
2008-01-07 04:24:45 UTC
I've just recompiled synce from svn. sync-engine works in that I see
notifications when I (un)plug my device. pls etc work.

Now I'm on to syncing:

$ msynctool --listplugins
ImportError: No module named opensync
Available plugins:

I noticed I have the dirs /usr/lib/opensync and /usr/lib/opensync-1.0/.

The structure seems a little strange:




I tried copying synce.py to various places, but no joy. Any ideas where
I went wrong? (note I can `msynctool --addgroup synce-sync` but I can't
`msynctool --addmember synce-sync synce-plugin` for the same error)

many thanks,
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Peter Griffin: Merry Christmas to all, and to all, shut the hell up.
John Carr
2008-01-07 07:19:10 UTC
Post by Iain Buchanan
I've just recompiled synce from svn. sync-engine works in that I see
notifications when I (un)plug my device. pls etc work.
$ msynctool --listplugins
ImportError: No module named opensync
I noticed I have the dirs /usr/lib/opensync and /usr/lib/opensync-1.0/.
I tried copying synce.py to various places, but no joy. Any ideas where
I went wrong? (note I can `msynctool --addgroup synce-sync` but I can't
`msynctool --addmember synce-sync synce-plugin` for the same error)
Hi Iain

Looks like opensync 0.3x that you have going on there?

There are actually 2 python components and my guess is you only have
one. python-plugin just provides glue to load python based plugins,
where as the opensync module actually wraps the opensync internals so
that python can poke them. The opensync cmake foo won't build this
other python support unless you have swig. If you have swig it should
just work...

If thats not it then your opensync module is getting installed to a
place not on the normal PYTHON_PATH...

Iain Buchanan
2008-01-07 23:57:21 UTC
Post by John Carr
Hi Iain
Looks like opensync 0.3x that you have going on there?
um... yes. Don't know how that got installed :) I was actually trying
to avoid it...
Post by John Carr
There are actually 2 python components and my guess is you only have
one. python-plugin just provides glue to load python based plugins,
where as the opensync module actually wraps the opensync internals so
that python can poke them. The opensync cmake foo won't build this
other python support unless you have swig. If you have swig it should
just work...
well, I didn't install anything extra, or remove anything, but
downgrading from 0.3x to 0.2x seems to make it happy again.
Post by John Carr
If thats not it then your opensync module is getting installed to a
place not on the normal PYTHON_PATH...
If I have some more time for 0.3x I'll look into it.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Simon: "It's okay to leave them to die."