Updates, again
Jonny Lamb
2008-01-07 02:53:05 UTC
Hi all.

So, I feel a monumental achievement was made this evening: the new
wiki[0] is pretty much done. Now, there are a few things I need to clean
up in the pages and in the site config but it'll go live (as in, moved
from /moin/ to /) when 0.11 is released.

Next release

So, onto the release! Now that the docs are not only re-written, but
up-to-date, manageable and more spam-proof, this starts the ball rolling
for the next release.

If you are working on anything at the moment that is not completed, or
buggy, or whatever, please speak up NOW! If I don't hear anything, I'll
be preparing tarballs pretty soon.

The modules in this release will be:

* librtfcomp
* pywbxml
* librapi2
* libsynce
* odccm
* librra
* sync-engine
* usb-rndis-lite

Note the lack of any pre-WM5 modules there -- when I last asked this
question, I didn't get much response which was to be expected. Unless I
get a mountain of people saying they want it in this release, it's not
going in. Remember that all this means is that tarballs will not be
released, though. This stuff is not going to be removed from the
repository any time soon.

I think that's it about the release. If you have something important to
point out, please do so quickly.


I have sketched out a roadmap on the new wiki. Please add to it as you
see fit. Adding things you have done for 0.11 will be extremely useful
for me in the release notes, so please do! But with the next 0.11 ->
0.12 stretch, *please* document what is going to be achieved on that
page. I have found having published TODO lists rather productive, but
it's also useful for onlookers to see what is going on, and for there to
be a definite point of release time, and not just someone saying "uh,
probably about now". The URL for the roadmap is:



[0] http://www.synce.org/moin/
Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Jonny Lamb
2008-01-07 10:53:23 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
* librtfcomp
Ignore that -- this hasn't changed since last release!
Post by Jonny Lamb
* pywbxml
Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Jonny Lamb
2008-01-07 11:07:01 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
* librtfcomp
* pywbxml
* librapi2
* libsynce
* odccm
* librra
* sync-engine
* usb-rndis-lite
I forgot one:

* gnomevfs
Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Mark Ellis
2008-01-07 15:01:54 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
Hi all.
So, I feel a monumental achievement was made this evening: the new
wiki[0] is pretty much done. Now, there are a few things I need to clean
up in the pages and in the site config but it'll go live (as in, moved
from /moin/ to /) when 0.11 is released.
Well done, have a sit down :)
Post by Jonny Lamb
Next release
So, onto the release! Now that the docs are not only re-written, but
up-to-date, manageable and more spam-proof, this starts the ball rolling
for the next release.
If you are working on anything at the moment that is not completed, or
buggy, or whatever, please speak up NOW! If I don't hear anything, I'll
be preparing tarballs pretty soon.
* librtfcomp
* pywbxml
* librapi2
* libsynce
* odccm
* librra
* sync-engine
* usb-rndis-lite
dynamite and orange have had minor updates.

I think either synce-gnome or trayicon should be in there. I'm not
completely happy with the state of trayicon at the moment so I'm not
going to push for it in this release, unless you want to. synce-gnome
has had some updates applied, and will be the only other item in this
release that allows entry of a password with odccm.

I haven't left out kpm deliberately, I don't know whether it's ready for
release yet.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Note the lack of any pre-WM5 modules there -- when I last asked this
question, I didn't get much response which was to be expected. Unless I
get a mountain of people saying they want it in this release, it's not
going in. Remember that all this means is that tarballs will not be
released, though. This stuff is not going to be removed from the
repository any time soon.
synce-serial would at least show for the time being we haven't abandoned
pre WM5 to anyone not ready to svn. Come to think of it, is this still
available as a release ?

The only other pre WM5 specific item I can think of is the multsync
plugin, which of course hasn't changed.
Post by Jonny Lamb
I think that's it about the release. If you have something important to
point out, please do so quickly.
I have sketched out a roadmap on the new wiki. Please add to it as you
see fit. Adding things you have done for 0.11 will be extremely useful
for me in the release notes, so please do! But with the next 0.11 ->
0.12 stretch, *please* document what is going to be achieved on that
page. I have found having published TODO lists rather productive, but
it's also useful for onlookers to see what is going on, and for there to
be a definite point of release time, and not just someone saying "uh,

Guido Diepen
2008-01-07 16:16:33 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
I haven't left out kpm deliberately, I don't know whether it's ready for
release yet.
I can tell that as of now, SynCE-KPM is not yet ready for release. It is
getting closer, but no cigar yet ;)

I am working hard on it, getting rid of all problems I find and see if I can
get the basics all implemented. One nice touch though is that for the moment
it is the only program that has complete support for the handling of locked
WM6 devices ;)

Guido Diepen
Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the
capacity to achieve the impossible.
--Eddie Rickenbacker
Jonny Lamb
2008-01-08 19:27:20 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
dynamite and orange have had minor updates.
Hm, these aren't really SynCE.. They're more their own modules.
Post by Mark Ellis
I think either synce-gnome or trayicon should be in there. I'm not
completely happy with the state of trayicon at the moment so I'm not
going to push for it in this release, unless you want to. synce-gnome
has had some updates applied, and will be the only other item in this
release that allows entry of a password with odccm.
FYI, sync-engine gives a password-entry. I think you may be right about
synce-gnome. I'll throw that into the release too. I'd like to talk to
you about trayicon some time, but that's a 0.12 milestone, so I'll start
discussion later.
Post by Mark Ellis
synce-serial would at least show for the time being we haven't abandoned
pre WM5 to anyone not ready to svn. Come to think of it, is this still
available as a release ?
Hm, okay. If someone can confirm that SVN synce-serial works, then I'll
throw it in too.

Thanks. More work for me! :-P
Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Mark Ellis
2008-01-08 19:28:55 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
dynamite and orange have had minor updates.
Hm, these aren't really SynCE.. They're more their own modules.
Post by Mark Ellis
I think either synce-gnome or trayicon should be in there. I'm not
completely happy with the state of trayicon at the moment so I'm not
going to push for it in this release, unless you want to. synce-gnome
has had some updates applied, and will be the only other item in this
release that allows entry of a password with odccm.
FYI, sync-engine gives a password-entry. I think you may be right about
synce-gnome. I'll throw that into the release too. I'd like to talk to
you about trayicon some time, but that's a 0.12 milestone, so I'll start
discussion later.
Ah, never used sync-engine.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
synce-serial would at least show for the time being we haven't abandoned
pre WM5 to anyone not ready to svn. Come to think of it, is this still
available as a release ?
Hm, okay. If someone can confirm that SVN synce-serial works, then I'll
throw it in too.
Works for me all the time.

