[Synce-devel] Experimental pushmail server
Dr J A Gow
2007-12-18 23:14:38 UTC

I have placed the base code for an experimental pushmail server in SVN
at trunk/jagow-files/airmail. The push services are not yet fully
functional but it will currently exchange emails and attachments with a
set of folders on the server side. It is very much a proof-of-concept in
that it will not actually send the email anywhere except to folders and
files on the server side.

It is under heavy development and may change regularly. If you want to
play with it remember it does not (yet) authenticate and is probably
insecure so run it behind a firewall and connect to it using wireless
networking (if your phone supports it) or use DTPT.

To set it up, go root, then as root create the following directories

~/.airmail/folders/Sent Items

Then start airmail:

python airmail.py

If you then connect with the phone, you should be able to send email
from the phone and it will end up in a file ~/.airmail/mboxout.

If you have MIME messages in standard format, copy it to the Inbox
folder on the server, one message per file. It will appear on the phone
on the next sync.

You can also create new folders on the phone or on the server, move
messages/folders etc, and they will be mirrored on the other side.

The push services need some changes to the wbxml patch as another
namespace needs to be added to handle the 'Ping' command. I will be
working on this next.

This work has shed a lot of new light on how Airsync actually works and
will lead to significant improvements in sync-engine. Apart from a
working pushmail server, it would be easy to develop a server-side
Airsync handler that can handle all syncable items and sync them to a
form of database backend - then desktop clients could sync to the
server. A form of back-office groupware perhaps?

Have fun. I'll commit the changes to sync-engine in a day or so now that
I have finished testing them and they seem to be stable.

David Eriksson
2007-12-19 18:30:10 UTC
I just have to say: cool! I'll try this with my Sony Ericsson mobile
phone some day, some of those also have support for AirSync!

Post by Dr J A Gow
I have placed the base code for an experimental pushmail server in SVN
at trunk/jagow-files/airmail. The push services are not yet fully
functional but it will currently exchange emails and attachments with a
set of folders on the server side. It is very much a proof-of-concept in
that it will not actually send the email anywhere except to folders and
files on the server side.
It is under heavy development and may change regularly. If you want to
play with it remember it does not (yet) authenticate and is probably
insecure so run it behind a firewall and connect to it using wireless
networking (if your phone supports it) or use DTPT.
To set it up, go root, then as root create the following directories
~/.airmail/folders/Sent Items
python airmail.py
If you then connect with the phone, you should be able to send email
from the phone and it will end up in a file ~/.airmail/mboxout.
If you have MIME messages in standard format, copy it to the Inbox
folder on the server, one message per file. It will appear on the phone
on the next sync.
You can also create new folders on the phone or on the server, move
messages/folders etc, and they will be mirrored on the other side.
The push services need some changes to the wbxml patch as another
namespace needs to be added to handle the 'Ping' command. I will be
working on this next.
This work has shed a lot of new light on how Airsync actually works and
will lead to significant improvements in sync-engine. Apart from a
working pushmail server, it would be easy to develop a server-side
Airsync handler that can handle all syncable items and sync them to a
form of database backend - then desktop clients could sync to the
server. A form of back-office groupware perhaps?
Have fun. I'll commit the changes to sync-engine in a day or so now that
I have finished testing them and they seem to be stable.
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