Jonny Lamb
2008-01-08 19:31:19 UTC

SVN gnomevfs is broken. You were the last person to touch it properly,
so I was just wondering if you had anything to point out? I can have a
look at this, but I have no idea how to debug GNOME VFS libraries, but
admittedly I haven't looked very far. It'd be nice if this is sorted
soon though, as this will hold up 0.11.

So, if you feel like looking at it, please do. Otherwise, give a shrug
and a few pointers to debugging and I'll take a peek. I'm no GLib/GVFS
expert though! :-)

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Mark Ellis
2008-01-08 19:33:52 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
SVN gnomevfs is broken. You were the last person to touch it properly,
so I was just wondering if you had anything to point out? I can have a
look at this, but I have no idea how to debug GNOME VFS libraries, but
admittedly I haven't looked very far. It'd be nice if this is sorted
soon though, as this will hold up 0.11.
So, if you feel like looking at it, please do. Otherwise, give a shrug
and a few pointers to debugging and I'll take a peek. I'm no GLib/GVFS
expert though! :-)
Happy to, but it seems fine to me, what was the problem ?

Jonny Lamb
2008-01-08 20:32:53 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
Happy to, but it seems fine to me, what was the problem ?
Configuring, compiling, and installing all works fine. However, with the
correct "synce: libsyncevfs" line in the correct gnome-vfs-2.0 dir, I
simply get "The default action does not support this protocol."

I got someone else on IRC to try out HEAD gnomevfs, and he got the same
result as me...

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Mark Ellis
2008-01-08 20:48:31 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
Happy to, but it seems fine to me, what was the problem ?
Configuring, compiling, and installing all works fine. However, with the
correct "synce: libsyncevfs" line in the correct gnome-vfs-2.0 dir, I
simply get "The default action does not support this protocol."
I got someone else on IRC to try out HEAD gnomevfs, and he got the same
result as me...
Where are you testing it, doesn't sound like the kind of think nautilus
would say ?

Anyway, I suspect it's a prefix problem, ie. gnomevfs is in a different
prefix to synce-gnomevfs. Is this the case ? Note that if gnome is
installed in /usr, if HEAD gnomevfs was put in /usr/local with
synce-gnomevfs, you'd probably get the same problem. I know of no way
around this, not to say there isn't one.

Jonny Lamb
2008-01-08 22:41:20 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
Where are you testing it, doesn't sound like the kind of think nautilus
would say ?
In normal nautilus.. It's certainly nautilus saying that, for example:

Loading Image...
Post by Mark Ellis
Anyway, I suspect it's a prefix problem, ie. gnomevfs is in a different
prefix to synce-gnomevfs. Is this the case ? Note that if gnome is
installed in /usr, if HEAD gnomevfs was put in /usr/local with
synce-gnomevfs, you'd probably get the same problem. I know of no way
around this, not to say there isn't one.
You're right about a prefix problem. When I install to /usr it works.

I don't understand what you mean by "if HEAD gnomevfs was put
in /usr/local with no synce-gnomevfs" though..

I do completely see the problem now.. gnomevfs 0.10.0 installs
to /usr/lib/[..] despite having --prefix=/tmp/foo..

I've shoved fixing this onto my TODO list. I'll hopefully look at it
after 0.11. Btw, I found --with-verbose-debug -- is this really the
best/only kind of debugging for GNOME VFS modules?

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Mark Ellis
2008-01-08 23:04:33 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
Where are you testing it, doesn't sound like the kind of think nautilus
would say ?
Hmm, ok, I get a different message, but it amounts to the same thing,
must be a version difference somewhere.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
Anyway, I suspect it's a prefix problem, ie. gnomevfs is in a different
prefix to synce-gnomevfs. Is this the case ? Note that if gnome is
installed in /usr, if HEAD gnomevfs was put in /usr/local with
synce-gnomevfs, you'd probably get the same problem. I know of no way
around this, not to say there isn't one.
You're right about a prefix problem. When I install to /usr it works.
I don't understand what you mean by "if HEAD gnomevfs was put
in /usr/local with no synce-gnomevfs" though..
If your tester built HEAD gnomevfs libs into /usr/local, with the rest
of gnome in /usr, you'd probably get complete foobar is all. This stuff
can be a real pain. I was trying to cover every angle and confused us
all :)
Post by Jonny Lamb
I do completely see the problem now.. gnomevfs 0.10.0 installs
to /usr/lib/[..] despite having --prefix=/tmp/foo..
I've shoved fixing this onto my TODO list. I'll hopefully look at it
after 0.11. Btw, I found --with-verbose-debug -- is this really the
best/only kind of debugging for GNOME VFS modules?
Basically everything needs the same prefix or it wont work. There's not
really anything we can do about it, it's a gnome thing. I'll add a note
to the README, but I think it's one of those "if you build from source
you may have to do some research, or just use a package" issues. These
things will go away when we start getting into distros.

--with-verbose-debug is just something I added when trying to make sense
of synce-gnomevfs. There are large numbers of debug statements in there
which frankly should be removed now, I'll try and tidy it up for 0.12.
It has nothing to do with gnomevfs in general though. As for more
general gnomevfs debugging, dont know.

