Few patches for sync-engine
Daniel Frickemeier
2008-06-09 11:18:18 UTC

I have attaced a few patches for sync-engine to work with opensync-0.36.

setup.py.patch is for sync-engine/setup.py
and fixes the old config.xml to syncengine.conf.xml

config.py.patch is for sync-engine/SyncEngine/config.py
and fixes the opening of the configuration files

event-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/event-to-airsync.py and fixes an error I
made when I submited John the first patch for this file

task-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/task-to-airsync.py with the same error as
mentioned above.

bye Daniel
MilliardÀre sind Leute, die auch einmal als ganz gewöhnliche
MillionÀre angefangen haben. - Jerry Lewis (am. Komiker)
Dr J A Gow
2008-06-09 15:50:15 UTC
Post by Daniel Frickemeier
I have attaced a few patches for sync-engine to work with opensync-0.36.
setup.py.patch is for sync-engine/setup.py
and fixes the old config.xml to syncengine.conf.xml
config.py.patch is for sync-engine/SyncEngine/config.py
and fixes the opening of the configuration files
event-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/event-to-airsync.py and fixes an error I
made when I submited John the first patch for this file
task-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/task-to-airsync.py with the same error as
mentioned above.
bye Daniel
Do you want me to commit these in place of the patches you sent me - or
are they to be applied subsequently?

Dr J A Gow
2008-06-10 18:50:38 UTC
Post by Daniel Frickemeier
I have attaced a few patches for sync-engine to work with opensync-0.36.
setup.py.patch is for sync-engine/setup.py
and fixes the old config.xml to syncengine.conf.xml
config.py.patch is for sync-engine/SyncEngine/config.py
and fixes the opening of the configuration files
event-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/event-to-airsync.py and fixes an error I
made when I submited John the first patch for this file
task-to-airsync.patch is for
sync-engine/SyncEngine/formats30/task-to-airsync.py with the same error as
mentioned above.
bye Daniel
All done in r3488. Sorry about the delay. I was going to commit them
with a bunch of other fixes I had coming up - but unforseen
circumstances got in the way :( So I have done them separately.

Nice to see you working on/testing formats30 - that's really helpful!


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