[Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer
Steve DeLaney
2007-11-18 00:19:45 UTC
I'm using synce with an IPAQ 2795 running windows mobile 5.
host system is fedora core 6.
connection is USB
running a build-from-source synce-libsynce-0.6

everything works great up until the point where PPP is established. Buy
then ppp session collapses exactly as described
in the synce QA "PPP error: "LCP terminated by peer"

Of course after that pstatus fails with a RAPI error since ppp connection is

the synce Q&A attributes this to an incorrect dccm -p password. However,
In my case I've tried dccm both with and without an IPAQ password with the
same LCP failure.

Any ideas on what to try next?


John Carr
2007-11-19 13:13:01 UTC
Hi there

Your setup sounds quite old.. I'm almost certain dccm doesn't support
Windows Mobile 5... I'm certain that was introduced in later versions of
vdccm.. I strongly suggest libsynce 0.10 and odccm, which can be setup as
per the wiki... It's a little crusty but i am on #synce IRC if you get


If all goes as Microsoft intended then PPP shouldn't be involved for WM5 and
later devices.

Post by Steve DeLaney
I'm using synce with an IPAQ 2795 running windows mobile 5.
host system is fedora core 6.
connection is USB
running a build-from-source synce-libsynce-0.6
everything works great up until the point where PPP is established. Buy
then ppp session collapses exactly as described
in the synce QA "PPP error: "LCP terminated by peer"
Of course after that pstatus fails with a RAPI error since ppp connection
is down.
the synce Q&A attributes this to an incorrect dccm -p password. However,
In my case I've tried dccm both with and without an IPAQ password with the
same LCP failure.
Any ideas on what to try next?
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
SynCE-Devel mailing list
John Carr
2007-11-19 16:31:27 UTC
Really surprised that you didn't need to patch kernel. It would be really
quite annoying if someone included the patch in fedora and didnt let us know
- "oh, patch is in fedora without problems" would make it so much easier to
properly upstream everything. Normally it /looks/ like it works and seems to
connect but certain things won't actually work. If anything does go wrong,
its worth following the instructions for kernel < 2.6.21 (it works for all
really, silly wiki).

I'm glad you got that far... Did you get stuck, or have you some more to try
at a later date?

Thanks for the help I got on this. Here is how I used RNDIS instead with
successful results. to get there a few
packages needed to be installed
no kernel patch was needed on my fedora core 6 kernel
for librapi2
yum install Pyrex
for odccm
yum install gnet2
yum install gnet2-devel
before starting odccm, to avoid this problem
** ERROR **: Failed to get bus name: Connection ":1.13" is not allowed
to own the service "org.synce.odccm" due to security policies in the
configuration file
the odccm.conf file needs to be activated. I located a default odccm.conf
in the distro and then
cp odccm/data/dbus/odccm.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d
final step - on IPAQ change activesync mode to RNDIS
then plug in the IPAQ and test it with pls
*Sent:* Monday, November 19, 2007 5:13 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer
Hi there
Your setup sounds quite old.. I'm almost certain dccm doesn't support
Windows Mobile 5... I'm certain that was introduced in later versions of
vdccm.. I strongly suggest libsynce 0.10 and odccm, which can be setup as
per the wiki... It's a little crusty but i am on #synce IRC if you get
If all goes as Microsoft intended then PPP shouldn't be involved for WM5
and later devices.
Post by Steve DeLaney
I'm using synce with an IPAQ 2795 running windows mobile 5.
host system is fedora core 6.
connection is USB
running a build-from-source synce-libsynce-0.6
everything works great up until the point where PPP is established. Buy
then ppp session collapses exactly as described
in the synce QA "PPP error: "LCP terminated by peer"
Of course after that pstatus fails with a RAPI error since ppp
connection is down.
the synce Q&A attributes this to an incorrect dccm -p password.
In my case I've tried dccm both with and without an IPAQ password with
the same LCP failure.
Any ideas on what to try next?
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
SynCE-Devel mailing list
John Carr
2007-11-19 21:04:53 UTC
If you follow the instructions for kernels < 2.6.21 there is no
patching. It takes 30s! See:

svn co http://synce.svn.sf.net/svnroot/synce/trunk/usb-rndis-lite
cd usb-rndis-lite
sudo ./clean.sh
sudo make install

And it will install the latest driver as a module. Easy. Though
pointless if its working for you already!

As for gdb, thats certainly one of the more ambitious use cases i've
seen in a long time. Frankly, i'm quite excited by it and hope you
document it for us! :D As far as I know, non microsoft software will
happily network normally... I suspect the only thing you will need is
odccm running..
Frankly I'm glad not to have to kernel patch but I'll keep it in mind.
As it was the whole process was quite a bit
more involved than I anticipated but this is all good so far and I'm
thankful others have gone to the effort to create this.
Not stuck; the install is done to the point of copying files on and
off my IPAQ.
Next step - a gdb solution and am hopeful to use gdb target remote
across RNDIS using the mingw32ce toolchain.
any tips on this? I'll post results...
Steve DeLaney
2007-11-19 15:36:24 UTC
Thanks for the help I got on this. Here is how I used RNDIS instead with
successful results. to get there a few
packages needed to be installed

no kernel patch was needed on my fedora core 6 kernel

for librapi2
yum install Pyrex

for odccm
yum install gnet2
yum install gnet2-devel

before starting odccm, to avoid this problem
** ERROR **: Failed to get bus name: Connection ":1.13" is not allowed
to own the service "org.synce.odccm" due to security policies in the
configuration file

the odccm.conf file needs to be activated. I located a default odccm.conf
in the distro and then
cp odccm/data/dbus/odccm.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d

final step - on IPAQ change activesync mode to RNDIS

then plug in the IPAQ and test it with pls



From: John Carr [mailto:***@unrouted.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 5:13 AM
To: ***@yahoo.com
Cc: synce-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer

Hi there

Your setup sounds quite old.. I'm almost certain dccm doesn't support
Windows Mobile 5... I'm certain that was introduced in later versions of
vdccm.. I strongly suggest libsynce 0.10 and odccm, which can be setup as
per the wiki... It's a little crusty but i am on #synce IRC if you get


If all goes as Microsoft intended then PPP shouldn't be involved for WM5 and
later devices.


On 11/18/07, Steve DeLaney <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm using synce with an IPAQ 2795 running windows mobile 5.
host system is fedora core 6.
connection is USB
running a build-from-source synce-libsynce-0.6

everything works great up until the point where PPP is established. Buy
then ppp session collapses exactly as described
in the synce QA "PPP error: "LCP terminated by peer"

Of course after that pstatus fails with a RAPI error since ppp connection is

the synce Q&A attributes this to an incorrect dccm -p password. However,
In my case I've tried dccm both with and without an IPAQ password with the
same LCP failure.

Any ideas on what to try next?



This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Steve DeLaney
2007-11-19 17:27:43 UTC
Frankly I'm glad not to have to kernel patch but I'll keep it in mind. As
it was the whole process was quite a bit
more involved than I anticipated but this is all good so far and I'm
thankful others have gone to the effort to create this.

Not stuck; the install is done to the point of copying files on and off my
Next step - a gdb solution and am hopeful to use gdb target remote across
RNDIS using the mingw32ce toolchain.
any tips on this? I'll post results...


From: John Carr [mailto:***@unrouted.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 8:31 AM
To: ***@yahoo.com
Cc: synce-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer

Really surprised that you didn't need to patch kernel. It would be really
quite annoying if someone included the patch in fedora and didnt let us know
- "oh, patch is in fedora without problems" would make it so much easier to
properly upstream everything. Normally it /looks/ like it works and seems to
connect but certain things won't actually work. If anything does go wrong,
its worth following the instructions for kernel < 2.6.21 (it works for all
really, silly wiki).

I'm glad you got that far... Did you get stuck, or have you some more to try
at a later date?


On 11/19/07, Steve DeLaney <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks for the help I got on this. Here is how I used RNDIS instead with
successful results. to get there a few
packages needed to be installed

no kernel patch was needed on my fedora core 6 kernel

for librapi2
yum install Pyrex

for odccm
yum install gnet2
yum install gnet2-devel

before starting odccm, to avoid this problem
** ERROR **: Failed to get bus name: Connection ":1.13" is not allowed
to own the service "org.synce.odccm" due to security policies in the
configuration file

the odccm.conf file needs to be activated. I located a default odccm.conf
in the distro and then
cp odccm/data/dbus/odccm.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d

final step - on IPAQ change activesync mode to RNDIS

then plug in the IPAQ and test it with pls



From: John Carr [mailto:***@unrouted.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 5:13 AM
To: ***@yahoo.com
Cc: synce-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer

Hi there

Your setup sounds quite old.. I'm almost certain dccm doesn't support
Windows Mobile 5... I'm certain that was introduced in later versions of
vdccm.. I strongly suggest libsynce 0.10 and odccm, which can be setup as
per the wiki... It's a little crusty but i am on #synce IRC if you get


If all goes as Microsoft intended then PPP shouldn't be involved for WM5 and
later devices.


On 11/18/07, Steve DeLaney <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm using synce with an IPAQ 2795 running windows mobile 5.
host system is fedora core 6.
connection is USB
running a build-from-source synce-libsynce-0.6

everything works great up until the point where PPP is established. Buy
then ppp session collapses exactly as described
in the synce QA "PPP error: "LCP terminated by peer"

Of course after that pstatus fails with a RAPI error since ppp connection is

the synce Q&A attributes this to an incorrect dccm -p password. However,
In my case I've tried dccm both with and without an IPAQ password with the
same LCP failure.

Any ideas on what to try next?



This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Steve DeLaney
2007-12-17 15:24:47 UTC
Just wanted to close the loop on this. We now have GDB running over RNDIS.
for details check out the mingw32ce thread in sourceware.org.
the IPAQ and host share a point-to-point interface with IP addresses
assigned on each end. as you suggested, once network is running over
RNDIS/ODCCM, then pretty much any TCP application should be able to work,
including gdb in this case.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Carr [mailto:***@unrouted.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 1:05 PM
To: ***@yahoo.com
Cc: synce-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Synce-devel] lcp terminated by peer

If you follow the instructions for kernels < 2.6.21 there is no patching. It
takes 30s! See:

svn co http://synce.svn.sf.net/svnroot/synce/trunk/usb-rndis-lite
cd usb-rndis-lite
sudo ./clean.sh
sudo make install

And it will install the latest driver as a module. Easy. Though pointless if
its working for you already!

As for gdb, thats certainly one of the more ambitious use cases i've seen in
a long time. Frankly, i'm quite excited by it and hope you document it for
us! :D As far as I know, non microsoft software will happily network
normally... I suspect the only thing you will need is odccm running..
Frankly I'm glad not to have to kernel patch but I'll keep it in mind.
As it was the whole process was quite a bit more involved than I
anticipated but this is all good so far and I'm thankful others have
gone to the effort to create this.
Not stuck; the install is done to the point of copying files on and
off my IPAQ.
Next step - a gdb solution and am hopeful to use gdb target remote
across RNDIS using the mingw32ce toolchain.
any tips on this? I'll post results...