SynCE and german "Umlaute"-Problem
2008-01-21 15:10:43 UTC
Hi folks!

While syncing a WM 2003 Smartphone (2 devices testet... T-Mobile SDA and
MDA II) with evolution, some characters where converted wrong.
(for ONE character in mobile device, there are MANY rectangles with a
question mark in it for evolution...)

These characters are called "Umlaute" in german and some of these are

Ä Ü Ö ä ü ö ß

Probably there is still existing an option to change codepage in
synCE-plugin ???
(maybe a config-file in ~/.synce or something ???)

If not, it sould be... ;-)

Best regards

John Carr
2008-01-21 17:53:14 UTC
Post by w***@gmx.de
Hi folks!
While syncing a WM 2003 Smartphone (2 devices testet... T-Mobile SDA and
MDA II) with evolution, some characters where converted wrong.
(for ONE character in mobile device, there are MANY rectangles with a
question mark in it for evolution...)
These characters are called "Umlaute" in german and some of these are
Ä Ü Ö ä ü ö ß
Is there a way to change codepage in OpenSync ???
Maybe another solution is still existing...
Best regards
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Thanks for your e-mail to the opensync and synce mailing lists :-)

As this is likely a SynCE issue, can I just confirm what settings,
packages and tools you are using to sync your WM 2003 device? Syncing
WM 2003 is a bit hairy at the moment (oddly, the newer devices are
better supported). The only working setups i'm aware of at the moment
involve using old versions of everything and multisync (i.e. no
opensync) and the very very latest versions of most things and
multisync (no opensync). If you are using multisync then you are using
very old shaky stuff thats not supported anywhere, afaik.

Theoretically the very latest version of everything (0.12) and the
libopensync-plugin-synce with version 0.22 of opensync should work,
but may not even run without eating your cats and the contents of your
fridge... Basically, I'm not sure of the origin of this plugin and it
isn't documented on the SynCE wiki. Furthermore i'm not aware of
anyone using it, and if they are what versions of librra etc it needs.
But equally, it could be working perfectly and no one has any need to
ask about it so we don't know :P If you are using it and it works
apart from these characters, I would love feedback on it so the wiki
can be updated...But as this plugin hasn't seen development in a very
very long time i don't think it will see a fix.

So your last hope involves a bit of waiting. Work on syncing with
opensync 0.3x (with WM2003) is planned (and should result in a
supported way to sync to opensync 0.22 too). It is not available yet.
Unless somone wants to step up and offer some fixory, I think this is
the only place in synce thats like to see fixes.

Sorry I can't offer you a quick fix :-( Maybe one of the cleverer
SynCE hackers has an idea?

