iPAQ 3630, iPAQ 3870 and Qtek 7070 (HTC Tanager), HP 620LX givaway to SynCE developer
David Eriksson
2008-07-07 19:27:59 UTC

I have an HP 620Lx Palmtop PC (75 MHz SH3 RISC, 16 MB RAM, Win CE
2.0!!! :-), an iPAQ 3630, an iPAQ 3870 and a Qtek 7070 (HTC Tanager),
that need better homes.

If any SynCE developer is interested in one or more of these legacy
devices I will happily send them anywhere in the world. I'll use donated
funds to pay for shipping, unless agreed otherwise.

Battery status:

HP 620Lx: bad (probably)
iPAQ 3630: useless (needs AC adapter all the time)
iPAQ 3870: bad
Qtek 7070: ok

I also have an WM2005 iPAQ hx2490 for sale (520MHz,IR,BT,WLAN,CF
I/II,SDIO,128/64MB) if anyone wants to make an offer.

Best regards,

David Eriksson

Adam Williamson
2008-07-07 19:49:57 UTC
Post by David Eriksson
I have an HP 620Lx Palmtop PC (75 MHz SH3 RISC, 16 MB RAM, Win CE
2.0!!! :-), an iPAQ 3630, an iPAQ 3870 and a Qtek 7070 (HTC Tanager),
that need better homes.
If any SynCE developer is interested in one or more of these legacy
devices I will happily send them anywhere in the world. I'll use donated
funds to pay for shipping, unless agreed otherwise.
HP 620Lx: bad (probably)
iPAQ 3630: useless (needs AC adapter all the time)
iPAQ 3870: bad
Qtek 7070: ok
I also have an WM2005 iPAQ hx2490 for sale (520MHz,IR,BT,WLAN,CF
I/II,SDIO,128/64MB) if anyone wants to make an offer.
I like to have hardware to test Mandriva's sync stuff on, but I am not a
developer and so cannot contribute any significant code. All I
contribute are bug reports, complaints, and
demands^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hsuggestions. :) So I will happily take any of these
devices that *are not taken by any actual developers*: please consider
them to have a prior claim :)
David Eriksson
2008-07-19 07:54:55 UTC
Post by Adam Williamson
Post by David Eriksson
I have an HP 620Lx Palmtop PC (75 MHz SH3 RISC, 16 MB RAM, Win CE
2.0!!! :-), an iPAQ 3630, an iPAQ 3870 and a Qtek 7070 (HTC Tanager),
that need better homes.
If any SynCE developer is interested in one or more of these legacy
devices I will happily send them anywhere in the world. I'll use donated
funds to pay for shipping, unless agreed otherwise.
HP 620Lx: bad (probably)
iPAQ 3630: useless (needs AC adapter all the time)
iPAQ 3870: bad
Qtek 7070: ok
I also have an WM2005 iPAQ hx2490 for sale (520MHz,IR,BT,WLAN,CF
I/II,SDIO,128/64MB) if anyone wants to make an offer.
I like to have hardware to test Mandriva's sync stuff on, but I am not a
developer and so cannot contribute any significant code. All I
contribute are bug reports, complaints, and
demands^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hsuggestions. :) So I will happily take any of these
devices that *are not taken by any actual developers*: please consider
them to have a prior claim :)
No developers seem interested so far (of course their work mostly
concerns more recent devices :-) and I'd be happy to support your
efforts in making sure SynCE works properly on Mandriva!

Any comments or objections?

Best regards,

David Eriksson
