[Synce-devel] First round of RPMs built, some follow up questions
Elias Holman
2007-05-15 16:31:49 UTC
Hi all,
I have built RPMs for libsynce, librapi2, and odccm that seem to work,
but I have a few questions before making them official:

- The archive names that are available for download unpack to different
folder names (synce-libsynce-0.10.0.tar.gz extracts to libsynce-0.10.0).
The RPM builder assumes that they match, and so I have to rename the
archive to match the unpacked name. Could these be aligned? I wasn't
sure which name was the "preferred" name. This doesn't affect the
viability of the resulting RPMs, just their names.
- I can't launch odccm out of the box because odccm.conf is not being
installed. I wasn't sure if the location of this file is a
distro-specific thing. On my Fedora Core 6 machine, it needs to be
placed in /etc/dbus-1/system.d. I could have the RPM install there by
default, but if this non-standard it's probably not worth it. How is
this handled in the Debian packages?
- It looks like libsynce installs into /usr/local/lib, which is not in
the default library path on Fedora. Is this the expected result? It
looks like librapi2 installs into /usr/lib, and so there isn't an issue

If I install the three RPMs on a clean machine, I have verified that
with the correct USB driver and the odccm.conf file in place, I can list
the device contents with pls, which was my simple smoke test. I will
start taking a crack at RPMs for the sync-engine in the meantime.
Jonny Lamb
2007-05-15 21:35:43 UTC
Post by Elias Holman
Hi all,
I have built RPMs for libsynce, librapi2, and odccm that seem to work,
Sweet! Thank you!
Post by Elias Holman
- The archive names that are available for download unpack to different
folder names (synce-libsynce-0.10.0.tar.gz extracts to libsynce-0.10.0).
The RPM builder assumes that they match, and so I have to rename the
archive to match the unpacked name. Could these be aligned? I wasn't
sure which name was the "preferred" name. This doesn't affect the
viability of the resulting RPMs, just their names.
Hmm, well when I named these I just conformed to what had been done in
the past by previous release managers. I don't think it really matters
much. Obviously I'm not going to alter the release now, but I think for
the next release I will do as you request.

The Debian packages don't worry about this as the upstream tarball is
renamed to: packagename_version.orig.tar.gz anyway, so it doesn't really
Post by Elias Holman
- I can't launch odccm out of the box because odccm.conf is not being
installed. I wasn't sure if the location of this file is a
distro-specific thing. On my Fedora Core 6 machine, it needs to be
placed in /etc/dbus-1/system.d. I could have the RPM install there by
default, but if this non-standard it's probably not worth it. How is
this handled in the Debian packages?
Well, the odccm.conf file is simply installed
into /etc/dbus-1/system.d/, so I'm guessing that directory is
Post by Elias Holman
- It looks like libsynce installs into /usr/local/lib, which is not in
the default library path on Fedora. Is this the expected result? It
looks like librapi2 installs into /usr/lib, and so there isn't an issue
/usr/local/lib should *not* be used. Although the LFH mentions that it's
up to the user[0], I believe all distros require their packages to
install into /usr. This can be easily fixed by calling configure with

I hope that answers a few questions!


[0] http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/usr.html
Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Aurelien Bompard
2007-05-17 19:09:56 UTC
On my Fedora Core 6 machine, it needs to be placed
in /etc/dbus-1/system.d.
If you are working on Fedora RPMs, you may be interested in coordinating
with Andreas Bierfert and me, who are already packaging it in the Fedora
repos. We could really use some help...

At the moment we have split our formerly monolithic synce package into as
many packages as there are upstream tarballs, and this is ready for the
upcoming Fedora 7.
We plan to update FC6 to this new scheme too, ASAP.

I've prepared packages for version 0.10.0, but neither of us have a WM2005
device so we can't test... And there is also the problem that version
0.10.0 breaks synce-kde (bug 1720921). So we're not ready to release
version 0.10.0 just yet, but we could use some help in testing and

On the other hand, if you prefer to roll you own packages, it's up to you.

http://aurelien.bompard.org ~~~~ Jabber : ***@jabber.fr
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
Elias Holman
2007-05-17 19:36:00 UTC
Post by Aurelien Bompard
On my Fedora Core 6 machine, it needs to be placed
in /etc/dbus-1/system.d.
If you are working on Fedora RPMs, you may be interested in coordinating
with Andreas Bierfert and me, who are already packaging it in the Fedora
repos. We could really use some help...
Sure, I'd love to combine efforts. I would have been in contact, but I
wasn't aware there was any other effort going on. Might have been an
issue with the coexistence of the WM2005 and the devel lists and not
seeing cross traffic until recently.
Post by Aurelien Bompard
At the moment we have split our formerly monolithic synce package into as
many packages as there are upstream tarballs, and this is ready for the
upcoming Fedora 7.
We plan to update FC6 to this new scheme too, ASAP.
I've prepared packages for version 0.10.0, but neither of us have a WM2005
device so we can't test... And there is also the problem that version
0.10.0 breaks synce-kde (bug 1720921). So we're not ready to release
version 0.10.0 just yet, but we could use some help in testing and
I have a T-mobile Dash and a clean machine with FC6 that has only had
the RPMs I rolled installed on it, which I've been using for testing. I
use Gnome, so I hadn't noticed the the KDE bug. Let me know how I can
Michael Shigorin
2007-05-17 22:56:39 UTC
Post by Elias Holman
Post by Aurelien Bompard
On my Fedora Core 6 machine, it needs to be placed
in /etc/dbus-1/system.d.
If you are working on Fedora RPMs, you may be interested in
coordinating with Andreas Bierfert and me, who are already
packaging it in the Fedora repos. We could really use some
Sure, I'd love to combine efforts.
I've packaged SynCE a few years ago for ALT Linux;
the packages by current team are available here:


ALT's somewhat peculiar (many people would cringe working
with Fedora or SUSE specs after having dealt with ALT rpm
macro set and usual habits on clean packaging) so these
might not transfer easily but still could serve you.
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <***@altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
Jonny Lamb
2007-05-17 19:34:08 UTC
Post by Aurelien Bompard
If you are working on Fedora RPMs, you may be interested in coordinating
with Andreas Bierfert and me, who are already packaging it in the Fedora
repos. We could really use some help...
This is great to hear!
Post by Aurelien Bompard
At the moment we have split our formerly monolithic synce package into as
many packages as there are upstream tarballs, and this is ready for the
upcoming Fedora 7.
We plan to update FC6 to this new scheme too, ASAP.
Superb! I noticed on the Fedora RepoView that the descriptions, at
least, of the packages were somewhat out-of-date. The Debian packages at
http://jonnylamb.com/debian/ have updated them -- I recommend updating
your descriptions.
Post by Aurelien Bompard
I've prepared packages for version 0.10.0, but neither of us have a WM2005
device so we can't test... And there is also the problem that version
0.10.0 breaks synce-kde (bug 1720921). So we're not ready to release
version 0.10.0 just yet, but we could use some help in testing and
SynCE-KDE hasn't really been touched for a while. It is Volker's work
but at the moment I believe he is very busy. I really don't see it being
fixed any time soon, unless a KDE/Qt dev jumps out of the shadows!

Any way you can publish the RPMs anywhere for Fedora SynCE users to test
for you?

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Aurelien Bompard
2007-05-18 20:31:10 UTC
The Debian packages at http://jonnylamb.com/debian/ have updated them
404 error... I quickly looked at the main blog page but didn't find the
right url.
SynCE-KDE hasn't really been touched for a while. It is Volker's work
but at the moment I believe he is very busy. I really don't see it being
fixed any time soon, unless a KDE/Qt dev jumps out of the shadows!
Ah, that's a problem, we can't really upgrade to version 0.10.0 and break
every KDE user's SynCE.
At least that's the biased point of view of a KDE user and WM2003 device
owner ;)
Any way you can publish the RPMs anywhere for Fedora SynCE users to test
for you?
Sure, but we're not ready yet. I've updated the previous packages to 0.10.0,
but we still need to package the new ones (odccm, wbxml stuff, etc...)
I'll publish them somewhere when we're done.

Thanks for the support
http://aurelien.bompard.org ~~~~ Jabber : ***@jabber.fr
"L'adulte ne croit pas au Père Noël. Il vote." -- Pierre Desproges
Jonny Lamb
2007-05-19 14:44:45 UTC
Post by Aurelien Bompard
404 error... I quickly looked at the main blog page but didn't find the
right url.
Sorry -- I should have explained. That location is a Debian package
repository. You can view package descriptions by viewing the following

Post by Aurelien Bompard
Ah, that's a problem, we can't really upgrade to version 0.10.0 and break
every KDE user's SynCE.
At least that's the biased point of view of a KDE user and WM2003 device
owner ;)
Umm, but nobodies installation would break. 0.10.0 only means support
for WM5 devices. It does not remove any support for WM2003 devices.
AFAIK, WM2003 devices should work equally well, if not better
(bug-fixes) with 0.10.0.

The only issue is with SynCE-KDE not properly working with WM5 devices
yet. I reiterate that it *should* work with WM2003 devices still.
However, I am a WM5 owner, and a GNOME user, so I cannot test/do
anything :D

Notice there has been no 0.10.0 release of SynCE-KDE though- It's only
in SVN (and even that's a bit of a maze -- the one to use
is /branches/synce-kde/SYNCE_KDE2/).

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Aurelien Bompard
2007-05-19 15:37:03 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
Ah, OK, thanks :)
Post by Jonny Lamb
Umm, but nobodies installation would break. 0.10.0 only means support
for WM5 devices. It does not remove any support for WM2003 devices.
AFAIK, WM2003 devices should work equally well, if not better
(bug-fixes) with 0.10.0.
Well, not here. I have a WM2003 device and the file browsing/transferring is
broken with raki and synce 0.10.0. I've opened bug 1720921 in the tracker
about this issue.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Notice there has been no 0.10.0 release of SynCE-KDE though- It's only
in SVN (and even that's a bit of a maze -- the one to use
is /branches/synce-kde/SYNCE_KDE2/).
I'll have a look at that, thanks !

http://aurelien.bompard.org ~~~~ Jabber : ***@jabber.fr
There are only 10 types of people in the world :
those who understand binary and those who don't.