Post by Dr J A GowPost by John CarrI like the idea of dbus activation, and using HAL to automatically
close sync-engine when the device is unplugged, but am not how the
device will cope if it is plugged in and the HTTP server for AirSync
is not responding straight away.
One doesn't need to close sync-engine when a device is unplugged - or
restart it when a device is plugged in. The problem is starting it the
first time - once it is started it can be left running throughout the
session. I am looking at some modifications to sync-engine to allow it
to fork itself into the background and log to a file - all that has to
happen then (as with now) is for the user to include it in a suitable
startup file. Thanks to a patch from Guido Diepen sync-engine will also
now start cleanly in the absence of a running odccm and pick up the
connection when odccm comes alive.
If we make an init.d script for odccm (so it starts as root: I'll do a
quick one for SuSE if you like and pop it in the odccm tree) and place
the call to sync-engine in a user's startup file for whatever
environment is chosen, then everything should work.
All we need to do now is to find a way to terminate OpenSync cleanly if
the sync-engine is not running or a device is not connected. This should
be easy in OpenSync 0.3x but may be troublesome in the earlier releases.
I am working on this.
There are some remaining error-handling issues in sync-engine which
require a restart of sync-engine to clear (e.g. RAPI call
failure/timeout). Once these are cleared sync-engine should run happily
in the background.
While that would work, are we happy having 2 programs resident all the
time, even when they are not needed? I personally hardly ever care
about syncing and would no doubt be bothered that I have these extra
programs running for the once or twice a week task of syncing. Though
I don't think they'll dent the 2gb of RAM in this machine, its still
resources being used that don't need to be. In the long run i'd only
accept this approach if we took 3 steps: Minimize memory used,
minimize any timer based activity (waking up when a device isnt even
attached is just wasting my laptops battery) and make sure that the
ports are only open on the device interfaces (vdccm was exploitable,
if we bound to a public facing interface like my wifi card i would be
very afraid). Of course these are all hypothetical and just random
brain farts...
I believe there are already init scripts for odccm floating around -
one from Mark, one from Jonnylamb, and there is a third floating
around the ubuntu forums...