Gentoo ebuilds keywording
Lucian Muresan
2008-03-28 21:21:26 UTC

I'm using the Gentoo ebuilds from the overlay held int the SynCE SVN,
and noticed that *-9999 ebuilds now have the same keyword "~x86" as the
-0.10 or -0.11 versions. This is not the designed usage of keywords, SVN
pulls should not have "~x86", but rather "**" (suggested also by Vasco
on #synce). Otherwise it's pretty tedious to switch between SVN and more
stable versions, having to fiddle with /etc/packages.mask for every used
package. Having the ~x86 keyword set in /etc/package.keywords for each
needed package anyway makes switching easiers when one could just change
the keyword only, since the list of pakcages is already there, and only

Otherwise, keep up the good work, folks!
Vasco Steinmetz
2008-03-28 23:01:30 UTC
Post by Lucian Muresan
I'm using the Gentoo ebuilds from the overlay held int the SynCE SVN,
and noticed that *-9999 ebuilds now have the same keyword "~x86" as the
-0.10 or -0.11 versions. This is not the designed usage of keywords, SVN
pulls should not have "~x86", but rather "**" (suggested also by Vasco
on #synce). Otherwise it's pretty tedious to switch between SVN and more
stable versions, having to fiddle with /etc/packages.mask for every used
package. Having the ~x86 keyword set in /etc/package.keywords for each
needed package anyway makes switching easiers when one could just change
the keyword only, since the list of pakcages is already there, and only
The "~*" keyword is obviously deprecated and should be replaced by "**" for things like SVN builds.

Since SynCE isn't particularly dependant on any OS arch we just differentiate between stable (e.g. -0.10), unstable (-0.11) and SVN
(-9999) ebuilds, masked with "x86/amd64", "~x86/~amd64" and "**" respectively.

Setting "~x86/~amd64" to both 0.11 and SVN ebuilds makes it impossible to emerge the 0.11 release with the standard app-pda/synce-*
~x86 keyword, since SVN builds are always emerged.

I didn't encounter that error since I still emerge directly from SVN (hopefully the next SynCE release will prove stable enough for
my daily routines :), and I'll downgrade from SVN to ~x86.

Iain Buchanan
2008-04-07 03:30:20 UTC
Post by Vasco Steinmetz
The "~*" keyword is obviously deprecated and should be replaced by
"**" for things like SVN builds.
Is there some gentoo documentation on this ** keyword? I haven't been
able to find anything relevant...

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

"My life is a soap opera, but who has the rights?"
-- MadameX