Jonny Lamb
2007-12-05 15:32:26 UTC
Hi everyone.
A fairly long email with some various thoughts on several things. This
is meant to spark up discussion, so please do reply!
I think this needs to be released pretty soon. However, there are some
things that need to be sorted first:
* Documentation -- yes this is the obvious one. Nothing really to say
about this.
* Various fixes -- known bugs in the software that don't require a
whole new rewrite should really be fixed before the release. Please
can you all reply with problems that spring to mind when I speak
about this, so I can keep track of the progress.
Rather a general "what needs to be done" list. Please do reply with
specifics! I suppose I'm suggesting we put in a freeze now and
concentrate on bugs, for the release.
0.10.0 to 0.11 (There's no point in an extra ".0" in "0.11" as there's
not going to be a "0.11.1" -- "0.10.0" was perhaps a little optimistic!)
isn't going to be the biggest update ever, but there are several nice
new features or fixes. Things that come to my mind now:
* Samsung SC* phones fixed with usb-rndis-lite.
* odccm now supports legacy devices.
* WM6 support.
* Various other fixes in SyncEngine.
Again, please fill the gaps here.
I think a new release will be very good for the project. It will provide
milestones that will be acceptable and doable for developers. It will
show SynCE as still being active and the new docs will make the project
more usable. The docs are currently what is stopping me pursuing
actually getting packages into Debian (and then perhaps Ubuntu), so that
would be started again.
Further goals
After 0.11 there will be some other features and fixes that will be
worth investing time in. Two I can think of now are:
* Simplifying the installation process, significantly.
* Removing the libwbxml dependency.
If you have any other ideas, please state them here. If the idea has not
previously been aired, please give some information about it.
Other talking points
vdccm: It seems to me that the only advantage of vdccm is its multiple
device support. Therefore, I am suggesting dropping vdccm as a proper
SynCE module. I'm not saying it should be deleted from SVN, but just
left out of releases. Thoughts?
ML moderator: I am currently looking for someone who will help out by
moderating the mailing lists. This basically takes two minutes every few
days or so and involves just filtering out spam from real mail. This
effort keeps the SynCE mailing lists spam-free. Email me if you are
interested in helping out, or would like to know more.
UK meetup: There are a few of us in the UK (myself, John Carr, J. A.
Gow, Mark Ellis, more?) -- John Carr and myself have spoken about
meeting up but I've been tremendously busy this term starting uni and
all that. Would anybody be interested in this?
I hope this is easy to read and is not too boring! :-)
Kind regards,
A fairly long email with some various thoughts on several things. This
is meant to spark up discussion, so please do reply!
I think this needs to be released pretty soon. However, there are some
things that need to be sorted first:
* Documentation -- yes this is the obvious one. Nothing really to say
about this.
* Various fixes -- known bugs in the software that don't require a
whole new rewrite should really be fixed before the release. Please
can you all reply with problems that spring to mind when I speak
about this, so I can keep track of the progress.
Rather a general "what needs to be done" list. Please do reply with
specifics! I suppose I'm suggesting we put in a freeze now and
concentrate on bugs, for the release.
0.10.0 to 0.11 (There's no point in an extra ".0" in "0.11" as there's
not going to be a "0.11.1" -- "0.10.0" was perhaps a little optimistic!)
isn't going to be the biggest update ever, but there are several nice
new features or fixes. Things that come to my mind now:
* Samsung SC* phones fixed with usb-rndis-lite.
* odccm now supports legacy devices.
* WM6 support.
* Various other fixes in SyncEngine.
Again, please fill the gaps here.
I think a new release will be very good for the project. It will provide
milestones that will be acceptable and doable for developers. It will
show SynCE as still being active and the new docs will make the project
more usable. The docs are currently what is stopping me pursuing
actually getting packages into Debian (and then perhaps Ubuntu), so that
would be started again.
Further goals
After 0.11 there will be some other features and fixes that will be
worth investing time in. Two I can think of now are:
* Simplifying the installation process, significantly.
* Removing the libwbxml dependency.
If you have any other ideas, please state them here. If the idea has not
previously been aired, please give some information about it.
Other talking points
vdccm: It seems to me that the only advantage of vdccm is its multiple
device support. Therefore, I am suggesting dropping vdccm as a proper
SynCE module. I'm not saying it should be deleted from SVN, but just
left out of releases. Thoughts?
ML moderator: I am currently looking for someone who will help out by
moderating the mailing lists. This basically takes two minutes every few
days or so and involves just filtering out spam from real mail. This
effort keeps the SynCE mailing lists spam-free. Email me if you are
interested in helping out, or would like to know more.
UK meetup: There are a few of us in the UK (myself, John Carr, J. A.
Gow, Mark Ellis, more?) -- John Carr and myself have spoken about
meeting up but I've been tremendously busy this term starting uni and
all that. Would anybody be interested in this?
I hope this is easy to read and is not too boring! :-)
Kind regards,
Jonny Lamb, UK *** GPG: 0x2E039402
Jonny Lamb, UK *** GPG: 0x2E039402