Some bugs and patches
Jonny Lamb
2010-05-13 14:35:17 UTC

A few things I'd like to draw some attention to:

* http://bugs.debian.org/578277 -- looks like a pretty easy D-Bus
problem to sort, no?

* http://bugs.debian.org/529220 -- can someone comment on this
please? I've no idea what's going on.

* http://bugs.debian.org/579856 -- a simple dependency bug revealed
another bug which I wrote an untested patch[0] for.

* http://bugs.debian.org/572832 -- I had a little look at the
archives and I see synce-hal is being deprecated soon in favour of
a synce-udev or similar, no? I'll assume that the next version will
use GIO instead, or should a gnet->gio migration be more imminent
than that?

I don't actually use SynCE anymore, which makes fixing these a
somewhat harder task, so it'd be great if someone could take a look at
these! :-)

0. http://git.jonnylamb.com/?p=packaging/synce-trayicon.git;a=commitdiff;h=6b95357
Jonny Lamb, UK
Mark Ellis
2010-05-14 17:45:26 UTC
Post by Jonny Lamb
* http://bugs.debian.org/578277 -- looks like a pretty easy D-Bus
problem to sort, no?
synce-sync-engine should be being activated by dbus if synce-kpm
requests it, providing the debian package includes a service file ?
Post by Jonny Lamb
* http://bugs.debian.org/529220 -- can someone comment on this
please? I've no idea what's going on.
Firstly, it's an old version of sync-engine, secondly it's just as
likely to be the kde opensync plugin messing it up, impossible to tell
without soe logs from sync-engine.

An observation that has no direct link here, but does it seem like
questions come to synce even when there are who knows how many different
packages in use ?
Post by Jonny Lamb
* http://bugs.debian.org/579856 -- a simple dependency bug revealed
another bug which I wrote an untested patch[0] for.
Yeah looks reasonable. Isn't synce-gvfs in debian yet ?
Post by Jonny Lamb
* http://bugs.debian.org/572832 -- I had a little look at the
archives and I see synce-hal is being deprecated soon in favour of
a synce-udev or similar, no? I'll assume that the next version will
use GIO instead, or should a gnet->gio migration be more imminent
than that?
I was afraid that was going to happen at some point, gnet has some
really useful functions.
Post by Jonny Lamb
I don't actually use SynCE anymore, which makes fixing these a
somewhat harder task, so it'd be great if someone could take a look at
these! :-)
Jonny, I want to get debian updated, how should we go about this ? Do
you want me to feed you updated packages, or can you get me upload
rights ? I'm not really sure how to go about it ?

Post by Jonny Lamb
0. http://git.jonnylamb.com/?p=packaging/synce-trayicon.git;a=commitdiff;h=6b95357
Jonny Lamb
2010-05-15 17:28:57 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
synce-sync-engine should be being activated by dbus if synce-kpm
requests it, providing the debian package includes a service file ?
It does. I understood this as "SyncEngine doesn't notice new devices
once started", although could easily be wrong. If so, perhaps some
Reload() method (like on the bus daemon itself) would work, no?
Post by Mark Ellis
An observation that has no direct link here, but does it seem like
questions come to synce even when there are who knows how many different
packages in use ?
Given the huge amount of layers involved in simply syncing your phone
or looking at its filesystem, it's not /so/ surprising that SynCE is
getting blamed when it shouldn't! It's quite confusing really; I used
to understand what was going on, but have quickly forgotten!
Post by Mark Ellis
Yeah looks reasonable. Isn't synce-gvfs in debian yet ?
No. It appeared after I stopped using SynCE and didn't want to take on
another package I wasn't using. An RFP was filed which no-one has
answered yet[0].

0. http://bugs.debian.org/517846
Post by Mark Ellis
I was afraid that was going to happen at some point, gnet has some
really useful functions.
...that GIO doesn't have? Like what? File bugs!
Post by Mark Ellis
Jonny, I want to get debian updated, how should we go about this ? Do
you want me to feed you updated packages, or can you get me upload
rights ? I'm not really sure how to go about it ?
Well, actually, I updated all the SynCE packages in Debian a few days
ago so everything's up-to-date, but it would be nice to have a
maintainer who actually knows what's going on.

I'd be more than happy for you to adopt the packages, if you want? To
get upload rights you need to apply to NM[1] which can take months and
you have to prove previous participation in Debian, etc. Before that,
you must get packages you want uploaded "sponsored" by an existing
DD. Of course, I'd be more than happy to sponsor any uploads you want
done -- just drop me a line on ***@debian.org

So, at the moment, I'm keeping all my packaging in Git[2] and using
the git-buildpackage tool which I find really nifty. I would obviously
recommend this too, but really don't mind what you do. If you want to
give it a shot, just clone my repos. Otherwise you can download the
existing packages in the archive, and go from there. Once you're done
with a package, upload it somewhere and send me a link to the dsc and
I'll take a look!

Thanks for taking this on; I've been meaning to get this into better
hands for a while!

1. http://nm.debian.org/
2. http://git.jonnylamb.com/
Jonny Lamb, UK
Mark Ellis
2010-05-27 14:24:40 UTC
How does it take me 2 weeks to respond to things like this :)
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
Yeah looks reasonable. Isn't synce-gvfs in debian yet ?
No. It appeared after I stopped using SynCE and didn't want to take on
another package I wasn't using. An RFP was filed which no-one has
answered yet[0].
0. http://bugs.debian.org/517846
Right, I'll knock something up and send it over to you.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
I was afraid that was going to happen at some point, gnet has some
really useful functions.
...that GIO doesn't have? Like what? File bugs!
Actually, after a better look at the newer glib and gio APIs, most of it
is an easy swap, just need to come up with a way of checking the
interface is active.
Post by Jonny Lamb
Post by Mark Ellis
Jonny, I want to get debian updated, how should we go about this ? Do
you want me to feed you updated packages, or can you get me upload
rights ? I'm not really sure how to go about it ?
Well, actually, I updated all the SynCE packages in Debian a few days
ago so everything's up-to-date, but it would be nice to have a
maintainer who actually knows what's going on.
I'd be more than happy for you to adopt the packages, if you want? To
get upload rights you need to apply to NM[1] which can take months and
you have to prove previous participation in Debian, etc. Before that,
you must get packages you want uploaded "sponsored" by an existing
DD. Of course, I'd be more than happy to sponsor any uploads you want
Right, I've had a look at it, does look a bit long. Maybe get to that
further down the line.
Post by Jonny Lamb
So, at the moment, I'm keeping all my packaging in Git[2] and using
the git-buildpackage tool which I find really nifty. I would obviously
recommend this too, but really don't mind what you do. If you want to
give it a shot, just clone my repos. Otherwise you can download the
existing packages in the archive, and go from there. Once you're done
with a package, upload it somewhere and send me a link to the dsc and
I'll take a look!
Thanks for taking this on; I've been meaning to get this into better
hands for a while!
1. http://nm.debian.org/
2. http://git.jonnylamb.com/
No worries, I've been meaning to suggest it for a while ! I'll give the
new packages the once over, sort out synce-gvfs, and we'll go from


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