[Synce-devel] SynCE 0.10.0 Debian Packages
Jonny Lamb
2007-05-17 19:22:22 UTC
These were finalised and set-up last week, but shamefully I forgot to
announce anything!

Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://jonnylamb.com debian/

There is also a deb-src repository there for those who want it. These
have been sent to my sponsor so should get into Debian Unstable fairly
soon, assuming there's nothing much wrong with them :D

There is one issue though -- not everything is there. What's missing is:

* libwbxml
* python-wbxml
* sync-engine
* serial

They have their reasons for not being packaged -- currently they're
either waiting on something else (libwbxml patches going upstream and
Debian updating their package -- python-wbxml and sync-engine depend on
this), or I simply can't test it (that's serial).

I could create a new synce-serial package and let it loose on you lot to
see whether it works? I have no wm2003 devices so I just can't test it!

So to get started (using WM5):

# apt-get install libsynce0 librapi2 odccm
# m-a a-i usb-rndis

That'll get you connected, and the "pls" tools will work.

For synchronisation libraries:

# apt-get install librtfcomp0 librra0 python-rapi2 python-rra

Then you should install the remaining libraries from source -- sorry for
the hassle for now, hopefully things can be resolved soon.

Hope that is a help!

Jonny Lamb, UK ***@jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
Paul Romanchenko
2007-05-18 08:25:45 UTC
Thank you for this activity!
Btw, where I can get your public key for apt-get?
Post by Jonny Lamb
These were finalised and set-up last week, but shamefully I forgot to
announce anything!
deb http://jonnylamb.com debian/
There is also a deb-src repository there for those who want it. These
have been sent to my sponsor so should get into Debian Unstable fairly
soon, assuming there's nothing much wrong with them :D
* libwbxml
* python-wbxml
* sync-engine
* serial
They have their reasons for not being packaged -- currently they're
either waiting on something else (libwbxml patches going upstream and
Debian updating their package -- python-wbxml and sync-engine depend on
this), or I simply can't test it (that's serial).
I could create a new synce-serial package and let it loose on you lot to
see whether it works? I have no wm2003 devices so I just can't test it!
# apt-get install libsynce0 librapi2 odccm
# m-a a-i usb-rndis
That'll get you connected, and the "pls" tools will work.
# apt-get install librtfcomp0 librra0 python-rapi2 python-rra
Then you should install the remaining libraries from source -- sorry for
the hassle for now, hopefully things can be resolved soon.
Hope that is a help!
http://jonnylamb.com GPG: 0x2E039402
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