[Synce-devel] Proposed change: get device path from $SYNCE_DEV if set
Scott W Gifford
2006-11-13 23:31:13 UTC
I'd like to patch all of the synce programs that take the "-p" option
to take a device path from the "SYNCE_DEV" environment variable if it
is set and no "-p" option is present.

This would simplify setup scripts to be run on multiple PDAs, so they
could essentially be shell scripts like this:

pmkdir /Windows/AppMgr
pmkdir /Windows/AppMgr/Install
pcp "something.cab" /Windows/AppMgr/Install
pcp "another.cab" /Windows/AppMgr/Install
prun wceload.exe /noui
synce-registry -w HKCU -t DWord ControlPanel\\Backlight Brightness 4

and could be run on multiple PDAs like this:

export SYNCE_DEV
for SYNCE_DEV in ~/.synce/pda*; do

I'd also like to add a small shell script to get the information from
the ~/.synce file, so these scripts could say something like:

if [ "`synce-getprop hardware`" = "Dell Axim X50" ]; then
synce-registry -w HKCU -t DWord ControlPanel\\Backlight Brightness 4

Currently I use some kludgey shell scripts to accomplish this.

Anybody have any objections, or any reason why a patch like this
would be rejected?


