synce question
Mark Ellis
2011-12-19 21:27:07 UTC
First, thanks for developing synce.
We use synce with rugged windows mobile/windows CE devices.
For some reasons we have to do it on Debian. I've managed to install
your new packages for ubuntu on debian, seems to work :-), but it
would be nice to have native debian packages.
I'd like to get proper packages onto debian, it's just a bit harder than
having some ubuntu packages in the PPA, but when i've finished the next
big bit of work i do want to try and get it in.
I've one question/request.
Is there any option to have internet pass trough (get internet on
device through usb and linux computer) when connecting not rndis
On non rndis device all work ok exept interent conection.
On rndis devices the pass through code is in sync-engine. Firstly
sync-engine only recognises rndis devices, though i'd like it to
recognise older ones in the future. I'm not sure if pass through works
in the same way on older devices though. The old synce-kde raki used
Mark Ellis
2012-01-15 11:30:29 UTC
Reply to the lists, someone else might know the answer.
On WM without enabled rndis I've made some tests.
Sybce-hal - file /usr/lib/has/scripts/hal-synce-serial I've added ip
adress of dns in pppd opitons instead of local_ip.
iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 -j
using vxutils i can ping and wget from internet, but IE on WM don't
see this connection and asks for configuring one, also app witch we
are using for transfer files to our server can't use this connection.
Are you using a WM5 or later device in serial (non-rndis) mode, or is it
an earlier device ? If its a WM5 in serial, then sync-engine will still
do what you want.

If its an earlier one .... the iptables masqerading rules should do
everything you need from the host side. The real problem is getting the
device to understand what it's supposed to do, MS have managed to create
one of the most complex and non-intuitive configs for this i have ever
seen. I haven't done it for ages, i did once so it is possible. All i
can suggest is to keep playing around with the connection settings on
the device.
First, thanks for developing synce.
We use synce with rugged windows mobile/windows CE devices.
For some reasons we have to do it on Debian. I've managed to
your new packages for ubuntu on debian, seems to work :-),
but it
would be nice to have native debian packages.
I'd like to get proper packages onto debian, it's just a bit harder than
having some ubuntu packages in the PPA, but when i've finished the next
big bit of work i do want to try and get it in.
I've one question/request.
Is there any option to have internet pass trough (get
internet on
device through usb and linux computer) when connecting not
On non rndis device all work ok exept interent conection.
On rndis devices the pass through code is in sync-engine. Firstly
sync-engine only recognises rndis devices, though i'd like it to
recognise older ones in the future. I'm not sure if pass through works
in the same way on older devices though. The old synce-kde raki used
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