1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I'd say anywhere in the engine module tree. Although it's technically a
separate program it's very much part of sync-engine.
Normally should be because you don't have syncengine.conf.xml in /etc.
But you do :) So I should be able to repeat this problem and fix it.
Permissions ?
I will have to investigate this. If sync-engine sees a pre-authenticated
device it should not try to re-authenticate. I am a kde user and do not
use gnome - could you elaborate on how synce-gnome authenticates (from a
user's perspective? I may pick up some clues from this.
Not much time to investigate, so I'll take a guess at this.
Device is plugged in, sync-engine and synce-gnome see it needs a
password. synce-gnome provides the password, and unlocks the device.
Meanwhile, sync-engine fails to authenticate directly via _ProcessAuth,
but does see the auth state changes, and some confusion results ?
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Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
separate program it's very much part of sync-engine.
3. Why did I see "unable to open system config file"
=20Normally should be because you don't have syncengine.conf.xml in /etc.
But you do :) So I should be able to repeat this problem and fix it.
4. Even without the internal auth gui, I was using synce-gnome to
authenticate - why didn't sync-engine like this?
=20authenticate - why didn't sync-engine like this?
I will have to investigate this. If sync-engine sees a pre-authenticated
device it should not try to re-authenticate. I am a kde user and do not
use gnome - could you elaborate on how synce-gnome authenticates (from a
user's perspective? I may pick up some clues from this.
Device is plugged in, sync-engine and synce-gnome see it needs a
password. synce-gnome provides the password, and unlocks the device.
Meanwhile, sync-engine fails to authenticate directly via _ProcessAuth,
but does see the auth state changes, and some confusion results ?
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)