1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Those old official debian packages are just getting _too_ old now, I
almost wish they weren't there.
Ubuntu has had python 2.5 as default so Marks command might not work
strings /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyrapi2.so|grep rapi_connection_from
Mark, do your packages support python 2.5? I know jonnylambs new ones
do, but the old ones didnt.. so it got ugly on ubuntu. that was the
whole reason for setting up synce on launchpads PPA.
Short answer, don't know. I don't really do python, but one of my next
tasks is to try and package sync-engine, so I may learn something !
Longer answer, the package depends on 2.4, but that's not due to me.
Rebuilding the deb source with python 2.5 may well work.

