Dr J A Gow
2008-03-29 19:22:53 UTC
Revisions 3354 and up of sync-engine now contain an API change,
specifically to the GetPartnerships API. This is to support the
management of Exchange Server partnerships (list + delete, creation is
being investigated). The change is detailed in the changelog and in the
excerpt below. The command-line tools have been updated.
Some fixes for other issues have been added.
Excerpt from changelog
This update has introduced the ability to manage Exchange Server
partnerships via the sync-engine API (to list and delete, but not yet
create). This has necessitated a change to the GetPartnerships API. The
new d-bus signature is a(ussssuau) and this reflects the following
change to the exported data, which is now an array of:
(id, guid, name, hostname, devicename, storetype, devicesyncitems)
Note the change is in the addition of the 'storetype' - an integer value
which can be one of PSHMGR_STORETYPE_EXCH (exchange server) or
PSHMGR_STORETYPE_AS (ActiveSync). The command line tools have been
updated to match. Exchange server partnerships can now be seen in the
listing, and can be deleted by both delete_partnership.py and
clean_partnerships.py. In the case of clean_partnerships.py, there will
be an additional prompt to delete server partnerships which will be
displayed only if such partnerships are present.
Currently we handle a maximum of 3 partnerships (2 AS, 1 server) - this
appears to be the maximum that WMx will handle - but with care this
could be increased easily.
Creation of server partnerships from the host is being looked at as a
later addition.
Also now correctly handles dangling registry entries and partnerships
without clobbering server partnerships.
Revisions 3354 and up of sync-engine now contain an API change,
specifically to the GetPartnerships API. This is to support the
management of Exchange Server partnerships (list + delete, creation is
being investigated). The change is detailed in the changelog and in the
excerpt below. The command-line tools have been updated.
Some fixes for other issues have been added.
Excerpt from changelog
This update has introduced the ability to manage Exchange Server
partnerships via the sync-engine API (to list and delete, but not yet
create). This has necessitated a change to the GetPartnerships API. The
new d-bus signature is a(ussssuau) and this reflects the following
change to the exported data, which is now an array of:
(id, guid, name, hostname, devicename, storetype, devicesyncitems)
Note the change is in the addition of the 'storetype' - an integer value
which can be one of PSHMGR_STORETYPE_EXCH (exchange server) or
PSHMGR_STORETYPE_AS (ActiveSync). The command line tools have been
updated to match. Exchange server partnerships can now be seen in the
listing, and can be deleted by both delete_partnership.py and
clean_partnerships.py. In the case of clean_partnerships.py, there will
be an additional prompt to delete server partnerships which will be
displayed only if such partnerships are present.
Currently we handle a maximum of 3 partnerships (2 AS, 1 server) - this
appears to be the maximum that WMx will handle - but with care this
could be increased easily.
Creation of server partnerships from the host is being looked at as a
later addition.
Also now correctly handles dangling registry entries and partnerships
without clobbering server partnerships.