1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Your in the UK aren't you? If i can get my old WM5 device working i'd
happily loan it you for testing. On the condition that you are then
more HAL friendly :P
Cool, yep I'm in Surrey, I'll definitely consider that. For now couldhappily loan it you for testing. On the condition that you are then
more HAL friendly :P
you send an ifconfig of an interface, and anything else you think may
help my understanding ?
I'm coming around to the HAL idea actually, but I'm not that aware of
how much you can do. Would it go something like this.
1) Register a device type with HAL, so when a WM is connected it starts
a *dccm.
2) Said *dccm, which would be one process per device, then configures
the interface, provides a keep alive if required.
3) *dccm then advertises the device, either through HAL or on dbus as
odccm does.
4) On disconnect, that particular *dccm cleans up and terminates.
Sound about right ? If so, some questions.
1) How does *dccm know what ip configurations it can use, and which may
already be in use by other devices ? We no longer have centralised data
in a single process.
2) How would we send a 'device connected' signal to the likes of
trayicon and raki ? Multiple processes couldn't bind to a single dbus
address, can HAL actively send arbitrary events ?
Sigh, time to read up on HAL I guess :)