[Synce-devel] synce report
Destin Rayn
2007-07-09 14:51:28 UTC
diff /tmp/before /tmp/after

< T: Bus=05 Lev=03 Prnt=05 Port=03 Cnt=02 Dev#= 8 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
T: Bus=05 Lev=03 Prnt=05 Port=02 Cnt=02 Dev#= 11 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 1.00 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff MxPS=16 #Cfgs= 2
P: Vendor=03f0 ProdID=1016 Rev= 0.00
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=500mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=ipaq
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=04(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
C: #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 2 Atr=c0 MxPwr=100mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=04(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
T: Bus=05 Lev=03 Prnt=05 Port=03 Cnt=03 Dev#= 8 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
The information you requested are:
iPAQ 3715rx

I am sorry to report that this doesn't seem to work (might as well be my
fault). synce-pstatus does exit with "synce-pstatus: Could not find
configuration at path '(Default)'". Neighter Multisync nor Evolution
Sync Plugin can communicate with the device.

regards destin
