1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Hi guys

I've seen people who have a botched first attempt of SynCE (mixed
source and old debian packages) and then install the launchpad
packages over the top. apt won't upgrade everything with the packages
as they stand, so they end up with 0.10 odccm and pyrapi etc and 0.9
version of everything else. Or at least, thats how i understand it. So
can you try apt-get upgrade and see if that helps?

Ubuntu has had python 2.5 as default so Marks command might not work
depending on what packages you have... so you can try this instead:

strings /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyrapi2.so|grep rapi_connection_from

Mark, do your packages support python 2.5? I know jonnylambs new ones
do, but the old ones didnt.. so it got ugly on ubuntu. that was the
whole reason for setting up synce on launchpads PPA.

